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ACCESS Health and IIT Guwahati co-author a Think20 Policy Brief | INORDER

Colleagues from ACCESS Health International, Maulik Chokshi, Deputy Country Director (Technical), Arun B Nair, Technical Lead (Healthcare Financing), and Tushar Mokashi, Assistant Director (Health Systems) have recently contributed to a Policy Brief under Think20 titled “Institutions, Fiscal Space, and Social Health Protection”.

This brief was written in collaboration with a team from IIT Guwahati consisting of Bodhisattva Sengupta, Associate Professor; Amarjyoti Mahanta, Assistant Professor; and Agnirup Sarkar, Assistant Professor, from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences under Task Force 1 of T20: “Macroeconomics, Trade, and Livelihoods: Policy Coherence and International Coordination”.

Think20, often abbreviated as T20, is a global network of think tanks that provide policy recommendations on various issues to the G20, an international forum for governments and central bank governors. T20 brings together experts to conduct research, analyze global challenges, and propose solutions to address key economic, social, and environmental issues. Its goal is to influence G20 discussions and contribute to shaping global policy agendas.

The brief talks about the importance of governments having enough money to invest in sectors that help people develop human capital. The brief also discusses the relationship between the financial institutions, their structure, governance, and flexibility which has a direct impact on the country’s fiscal space and the investments made in the social sector including health. It looks at how different factors, such as the specific rules and organizations in each country, influence the government’s ability to spend money on healthcare.

However, it’s important to note that each country is unique, with its history, macro-economic conditions, political priorities, and governance structures. Under the presidency of India, the current G20 dialogues represent a diverse range of experiences and realities, similar to a miniature version of the world, and are aimed to forward discussion towards one world agenda, breaking North-South barriers. Therefore, the lessons learned from this study can be applied on a global scale.

You can find the policy brief below:

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